سید مبارک شاہ کی نظم اور فلسفۂ جبر
Poems of Syed Mubarik Shah and Philosophy of Coercing
Coercion, Scholarly, Code of Conduct, Meer Taqi Meer, Creation of Mankind, Metaphysical Situations, EmotionalAbstract
Creation of mankind and as a best creation of Allah Almighty, having different approaches to know the universe and role of man in it. A though process is called ‘Philosophy’ as a tool of awareness about it. In particular Islamic philosophy having some basis of its believe. One of these facts is Destiny(Taqdeer). Towards this there are two major philosophies,one is coercing; means we are bound to act rather than authority. Urdu poets describe this approach in their poetry. A person feels that he or she cannot do anything (helpless) is a practical situation of this thought. This article shows some glympsis of this thought in thepoems of Syed Mubarik Shah. Syed Mubarik Shah is an important name of current era in poetry. Although this approach have along tradition in urdu poetry but Syed Mubarik Shah presented it in a different style. His poems did not follow the traditional situation; he presented it a situation of current age and human approach. This article will reflect the meaning and approach of coercin and in particular Syed Mubarik Shah’s approach towards faith and destiny. Large number of people like this, the poet gives it a different narrative.