علامہ اقبال کا فکر و فن مکاتیب اقبال کی روشنی میں (بنام گرامی مرتبہ محمد عبداللہ قریشی) تحقیقی و تنقیدی جائزہ
Allama Muhammad Iqbal's thought and art in the light of Maqateeb-e-Iqbal (Banaam Garami Compiled by M. Abdullah Qureshi) Research & Critical Review
Pivotal, Deciphering, Allusions, Aptly, Spiritual, Substantiate, Deemed, Artistic, Camaraderie, Craftsmanship, Nourished, MentorshipAbstract
Allama Iqbal is a famous poet of both Urdu and Persian languages. He also wrote a great deal in English and Urdu Prose. Many collections of his Letters have been compiled so far almost a dozen books of his letters have been published. These Letters are Pivotal in deciphering Iqbal's thought process and craft. In “Maqateeb-e-Iqbal Banaam Garami"Abdullah Qureshi presents a vivid image of the both the personalities; Iqbal and Garami. He has also given footnotes and allusions in this regard due to which the hidden aspects of their lives are aptly uncovered. Iqbal's spiritual connection with Maulana Garami is elaborated through these Letters. These letters also substantiate the fact that Iqbal not only consulted Maulana on artistic aspects of poetry but also deemed his advice helpful. Though Maulana was older than Iqbal but there was a great camaraderie between the two. Iqbal also sought his advice in his personal life. In a response to Iqbal’s Letters, Maulana suggest to amend some Verses or replace them. To conclude it all, Iqbal's thought and craftsmanship was nourished by Maulana's worthy mentorship. In this regard these Letters occupy a central position.